Static Pipebursting
Static Pipe Bursting Method Static Pipe Bursting Method and Pre-Chlorination
Designed for the contractor that’s paid by the foot, not by the hour. Compact hydraulically operated HydroBurst® systems can burst fracturable pipes and slit non fracturable pipes (ductile iron and steel). Systems are simple to set up and operate and provide some of the most advanced features in the trenchless industry. With
American Infrastructure Technologies Corporation, you have an expert global trenchless partner with service, support and training second to none.
The pre-chlorination method has been an industry standard in the UK and is rapidly gaining acceptance in North America. The pre-chlorination method is guided by AWWA standards for chlorinating and pressure testing HDPE water mains. What is the difference? The HDPE water main is chlorinated, pressure tested and sealed prior to installation. Once the new HDPE pipe passes bacterial and pressure testing, it can be installed via pipe bursting.*